
Authorization with Decorators

The authGuard decorator below does two things:

  • Checks if a user is authorised and returns an Unauthorised status if not.
  • Adds currentUser to the request object.

To extend req object you can define your custom interface that extends VovkRequest. Let's imagine that Prisma ORM is used at the project.

import type { VovkRequest } from 'vovk'
import type { User } from '@prisma/client';
export interface GuardedRequest<BODY = undefined, QUERY extends Record<string, string> | undefined = undefined>
  extends VovkRequest<BODY, QUERY> {
  currentUser: User;

Then define the authGuard decorator itself.

import { HttpException, HttpStatus, createDecorator } from 'vovk';
import type { GuardedRequest } from '../types';
const authGuard = createDecorator(async (req: GuardedRequest, next) => {
  // ... define userId and isAuthorised
  // parse access token for example
  if (!isAuthorised) {
    throw new HttpException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, 'Unauthorized');
  const currentUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: userId } });
  req.currentUser = currentUser;
  return next();
export default authGuard;

And finally use the decorator and define the request object with your newly created GuardedRequest type.

// ...
export default class UserController {
  // ...
  static async getCurrentUser(req: GuardedRequest</* ... */>) {
    return req.currentUser;
  // ...