Return Type

Return Type

Custom Object

The decorated static methods of controllers can return several kinds of objects. For example, a regular object literal.

// ...
static async helloWorld(/* ... */) {
    // ...
    return { hello: 'world' };

Another example - if the controller method returns Prisma ORM invocation the type is going to be recognised accordingly.

// ...
static async updateUser(/* ... */) {
    // ...
    const updatedUser = await prisma.user.update({
        where: { id },
    return updatedUser;
// ...

At this case the returned value of client method UserController.updateUser gets User type generated at @prisma/client.

Response Object

HTTP handlers can also return regular Response object, including NextResponse.

// ...
static async helloWorld(/* ... */) {
    // ...
    return NextResponse.json({ hello: 'world' }, { status: 200 });
// ...

When NextResponse.json is returned from the controller method, the client library is going to recognise the return type as expected. This way you can define headers, cookies and other options dynamically. See the NextResponse documentation (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Type Override

In case if your code makes it impossible to recognise the return type, you can override it manually with no need to convert it to unknown first.

import { UserController } from 'vovk-client';
import type { SomeType } from '../types';
// ...
// Override the return type
const updatedUser = await UserController.updateUser<SomeType>(/* ... */);

Async iterable

// ...
static async *updateUser(/* ... */) {
    // ...
    yield* iterable;
// ...

If iterable is returned, the client library is going to cast the method as a disposable async generator to implement response streaming. It's explained in more details on the streaming documentation page.